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Jun 3, 2013 - 2 minute read - Comments - technical aws amazon fog ruby

Manage AWS Elastic IPs with fog

Connect to AWS API with fog.

require 'fog'

c =
                 :provider => 'AWS',
                 :aws_access_key_id => 'Your AWS access key',
                 :aws_secret_access_key => 'Your AWS secret key',
                 :region => 'us-east-1' )

Associate Elastic IP

eip = c.addresses.get('Your elastic IP address')
c.associate_address("Your instance id",nil,nil,eip.allocation_id)

Disassociate Elastic IP

eip = c.describe_addresses('public-ip' => ['Your elastic IP address'])

Association Elastic IP script example.


# This is a script that assign Elastic IP to current instance.
# Usage:
# You need to fill out config_eip.json config file:
# {
# "aws_access_key": "aws_access_key",
# "aws_secret_key": "aws_secret_key",
# "eip": "x.x.x.x",
# }
# Config file should be in the same dir as a script
# then, start script:
# assign_eip.rb
# This will assign x.x.x.x Elastic IP to current instance.

require "rubygems"
require "json"
require "net/http"
require "fog"

# Read config
CONFIG = JSON.parse(, 'assign_eip.json')))

# Here we need to get
INSTANCE_ID_URL = '/latest/meta-data/instance-id'
INSTANCE_REGION_URL = '/latest/meta-data/placement/availability-zone'

httpcall =
resp, instance_id = httpcall.get2(INSTANCE_ID_URL)
resp, region = httpcall.get2(INSTANCE_REGION_URL)

# Cut out availability zone marker.
# For example if region == "us-east-1c" after cutting out it will be
# "us-east-1"

region = region[0..-2]

# First we get a connection object from amazon, region is
# required if your instances are in other zone than the
# gem's default one (us-east-1).

c =
                 :provider => 'AWS',
                 :aws_access_key_id => CONFIG['aws_access_key'],
                 :aws_secret_access_key => CONFIG['aws_secret_key'],
                 :region => region )

# Then we get Fog::Compute::AWS::Address to get allocation_id of Elastic IP.
# For some reason I failed to make it work with IP address directly.
# if I use Elastic IP instead of allocation id it always returns 400
# Bad Request.

eip = c.addresses.get(CONFIG['eip'])

# Then we accociate Elastic IP with current node.



"aws_access_key": "AWS_access_key",
"aws_secret_key": "Your_AWS_secret_key",
"eip": "Elastic IP to assign"

Further reading

Manage AWS Elastic IPs with AWS Ruby SDK

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