Sometimes when you commit something nasty, you need to rewrite it. Or you may need to split commit into parts. Or whatever.
Use case: You want to remove some files that you added with your commit.
Find the commit
git log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short
Let it be 4ca80f0
Remove files that you don’t want in the commit.
git rebase -i 4ca80f0~1
Replace pick with edit and save file.
Then you need to unstage files in the commit:
git reset HEAD^
now all files are in state before that commit, and you can add/remove/stage them.
to undo windows
file changes:
git checkout -- windows
or if this is a new file you can just delete it
rm -rf windows
also you can split this commit into several commits.
Change commit message
Now you probably want to change commit message:
git commit --amend
Apply changes
git rebase --continue
Enjoy you splitted/amended commit.